每月營業額報告Monthly Revenue
民國112年12月(Dec, 2023) | Unit : NTD'000 |
Items | Operating Revenue |
This Month | 126,483 |
The Corresponding Month Last Year | 99,297 |
Increase or Decrease Amount | 27,186 |
Increase or Decrease Percentage | 27.38 |
Accumulated This Year | 1,180,609 |
Accumulated The Corresponding Month Last Year | 1,372,775 |
Increase or Decrease Amount | -192,166 |
Increase or Decrease Percentage | -14.00 |
Remarks / Explanation of reasons for revenue changes |
The above revenue figures are the numbers announced and reported by Yuan High-Tech to the OTC security every month , and the final revenue figures are subject to the financial report certified by the accountants.